The Home Grown Green Revolution… Earning Opportunities for Everybody

The Home Grown Green Revolution… Earning Opportunities for Everybody…
We commend you on this laudable Agricultural initiative which will afford all adult Nigerians the opportunity to unleash their potentials in providing the Country the much needed security in food production, wealth and job creation.” – Dr. M.A. Olaitan – Director, Development Finance Department, Central Bank of Nigeria.
“Excellently programmed. We will work with selected Franchised Groups for the Awareness Volunteers and Change Agents- specific to tree planting, Environmental Protection and probably at the appropriate time on key component of   climate justice, renewable energy and waste management. We are almost there with our progamme. Congratulations with this highly innovative HBH that fits strategically with Post COVID-19 recovery and sustained growth” – UMAR SANI GAMBO-MD/CEO, Bionas Agro-Politan Technology Corridor Nigeria Ltd.
You can register to join under any or more of the following categories;

Financial consultant, Agricultural Consultant/Service Provider, Land Aggregator, Mobilization Agent, Produce Aggregator, Out grower, Proxy Farmer, Farm to Home Agent, Value Partner, Sub-Consolidator, Food Processor, Sub-Aggregator, Franchisee/State Aggregator, Export Merchant, Employment Partner
 Hectare by Hectare programme is a unique and innovative agricultural initiative conceptualized and developed for the promotion of employment, wealth redistribution, financial inclusion, general public awareness and value re-orientation through agribusiness.

 With the aid of 11 prototype fit for purpose agreements, “The Green Book”, HBH Operations Software and HBH Accounting Software, the objectives of the programme are as follows:

  • To create unique avenues for all adult Nigerians to partake in the revitalization and realization of the nation’s urgent need for food security
  • To promote wealth creation through agribusiness.
  • To promote employment.
  • To promote wealth redistribution and financial inclusion.
  • To provide end to end solutions for all types of transactions within the agricultural value chain.
  • To provide a platform for general public awareness.
  • To promote the culture of volunteering among Nigerian citizens
  • To provide a platform for general public awareness and value re-orientation.

By virtue of a license acquired from the intellectual property owner/licensor by Adasomi Development Company, the programme is being promoted by the company in collaboration with other members of Adasomi consortium in accordance with policies and guidelines contained in the “Green Book” already registered with Nigerian copyright commission.

Under the four schemes of the programme, namely; Adasomi Farm Estates Scheme, Adasomi Out-Growers Scheme, Adasomi Premium Discount Scheme and Adasomi Food Courts Scheme;

FARM ESTATES are developed across the country through our unique HBH crowd funding model that enables us to aggregate the investments of proxy farmers (Civil Servants and all other adult Nigerians not directly involved in farming).

  • FOOD COURTS are developed across the country in partnership with Value Partners.
  • FOOD VENDORS are registered and given easy access to conducive real estate to carry on their trade.
  • OUT-GROWERS are registered and given technical support and easy access to market for their harvest.
  • FARM TO HOME AGENTS (Mostly unemployed youths) are through the use of our HBH operations software given access to participate in the production and distribution of food and agricultural produce within and outside the country without running around.

    With their capital contributions and low interest bearing loans, these farm to home agents also operate and earn income by playing any, some or all the following roles; distributors of fertilizers, pesticides and other farm inputs by participating in bids on the HBH Bids Management Platform for numerous supply contracts created under the programme.
  1. We are helping to reduce unemployment by leveraging on technology to connect these Farm to Home Agents to food production and distribution nationwide as well as distribution of other agricultural inputs.
  2. It means that thousands of young Nigerians can participate in agribusiness, and earn sustainable income no matter where they are once they have smart phones. This is a clear strategy for wealth redistribution and financial inclusion.
  3. As compensation for the access to economic empowerment granted to them, Farm to Home Agents (mostly unemployed youths),with the aid of learning materials developed under the programme are required to act as awareness volunteers and change Agents under the Hectare by Hectare Volunteering Scheme.
  4. Under the scheme, these volunteers are involved in organizing seminars and town hall meetings within their given communities to create general public awareness on the following areas: 
    Basic Legal Education, Civic Education, Voters Education, Financial Literacy, Basic Health Education and Value Re-Orientation.
  5. They also engage in other volunteering services such as tree planting, road maintenance, maintenance of common community assets, Agricultural extension services, environmental protection and community policing.
  6. The programme is designed to be implemented nationwide through a franchising model that entails the appointment of one franchisee for each state of the federation.  When fully operational, the programme has the potential of engaging a minimum of 200,000 persons per state.


    • It provides easy access to land for participants.
    • It provides easy access to capital for participants.
    • It provides easy access to technical support for participants.
    • It provides easy access to market for participants.
    • It provides easy access to secured investment for participants.



      • Boost in employment and reduction in crime.
      • De-risking of the Agricultural value chain.
      • Increase in general public awareness and value re-orientation.
      • Financial security for rural participants due to monthly inflow of funds.
      • Wealth Redistribution, Financial inclusion and Poverty reduction.
      • Increase in Agricultural investment and food production.
      • Boost in internally generated revenue for every participating local government and state.

    Different Categories of Stakeholders


    Are you a farmer or a food producer/processor or are you interested in earning income from food processing? You can join as a food producer/processor and enjoy guaranteed off-take and distribution of your farm produce.


    • Guaranteed off-take of large volume of farm produce.
    • Bulk inflow of cash for business development and expansion.
    • It provides you with a great opportunity to expand your sales and turnover
    • It provides you access to free processing of grants, federal government intervention funds or low interest loans from any of the development financial institutions in the country namely: CBN, Bank of Industry, DBN, NIRSAL Micro-Finance Bank.
    • It provides you two advertising opportunities
      1. Our Farm to Home Agents shall become your brand Ambassadors and will, subject to approved terms carry out volunteering services on your behalf in any location/locations of your choice within the country. These volunteering services which will receive extensive media coverage, shall include but not limited to; Tree Planting (Economic Trees), Basic Health Education Clinics, Basic Legal Education Clinics, Road Maintenance, Agricultural extension Services, Community Policing, Environmental Sanitation and Protection.
      2. For off-take contract, you will get free advertisement mileage in all articles published in the widely read Juriscope online publication within 30 days from date of each transaction.
        Juriscope legal Tips which currently enjoys an average monthly readership of approximately 22,000 persons, is a ‘You and the Law’ online publication designed to expose citizens to basic legal education and general awareness.



    Are you an unemployed youth resident in Nigeria? Do you have a smart phone? You can join as a Farm to Home Agent and earn income by participating in the distribution of food and agricultural produce without running around.


    • You shall be entitled to participate in bids and earn sustainable income from produce supply contracts advertised regularly on the Hectare By Hectare Bid Management Platform
    • You shall earn income by playing any, some or all the following roles: produce buyer/primary off-taker, distributor of fertilizers, pesticides and other farm inputs.


    Are you interested in farming but do not have luxury of time? Join as a Proxy farmer and let our experts do the farming for you. We will secure land for you and raise capital at single digit interest rate. You will sit in the comfort of your home/office and our technical team/resident farmers will farm and manage your farm(s) for you.


    • Access to single digit interest
    • Loan repayment tied to proceeds of the farm/farms.
    • Secured capital and guaranteed return on investment
    • Guaranteed off-take of produce

    Finance Aggregator

    Can you aggregate low interest loans or grants from deposit banks, development financial institutions or donors?

    You can join as a Finance Aggregator and earn very attractive professional fee.

    Agricultural Consultant/Service Provider

    Are you an expert in any field of Agriculture?

    Do you have practical knowledge in crop farming, animal husbandry, Aquaculture, Soil Science, Animal health, extension Services, Agric Economics, Agric Engineering/Equipment, Agric Farm inputs and services. You can join as an Agricultural Consultant/Service Provider.

    Land Aggregator

    Can you negotiate with land owners/communities and aggregate agricultural land under our HBH Partnership Model?

    You can join as a Land Aggregator and earn very attractive Agency fee.

    Mobilization Agent

    Can you mobilize cooperatives and individuals to participate as proxy farmers?

    You can join and earn income from agency fee payable for introduction of Proxy Farmers.

    Produce Aggregator

    Are you a food Reseller/Produce Aggregator – can you source for pure honey, high quality palm oil, fruits or any other food /agricultural produce?

    If yes you can join as a produce Aggregator and earn income from produce supply contracts within the Hectare by Hectare value chain.

    Out grower

    Do you own a farm or are you a food producer? Join as an Out-grower within the Hectare by Hectare value chain and enjoy easy access to off-takers for the off-takes and increased purchase of your produce.

    Value Partner

    Do you have a job or are you self-employed and in need of extra income? You can join as a Value Partner and earn income from premium discount contracts created under the programme.

    Sub Consolidator

    Do you have an existing business premises or adequate home space? Are you desirous of using It as a collection centre? If yes, you can join as a sub-consolidator to earn income from logistics services within the Hectare by Hectare value chain.

    Sub Aggregator

    Can you secure off-take contracts from food producers, food processors and Resellers? If yes, you can register as a sub-aggregator and earn very attractive commission.

    Off-take Aggregator

    Can you aggregate off-take contracts for produce supply within and outside Nigeria? If yes, you can register as an off-take aggregator.

    Franchisee / State Aggregator

    Are you interested in introducing the programme and owning it in your state – do you want to be a Franchisee for your State? You can join as a Franchisee/State Aggregator.

    Export Partner

    Export Partner-Are you interested in earning foreign exchange from export of food and agricultural produce? You can register as an Export Partner. As an Export Partner you will be entitled to contracts for supply of food and agricultural produce overseas.

    Employment Partner

    Do you have up to N700,000 in your fixed deposit account? You can join as an employment partner. As an employment partner, you will earn extra income from the programme, while also creating employment for not less than 2 people in your community as well as earning interest on your N700,000 in fixed deposit. For every additional N700,000, three more jobs will be created in addition to more income that will be earned.

    Property Owner
    Do you have an existing land for agriculture? Do you have a developed farm that is not currently in use? You can join us as a property owner and earn income from rent.

     Infrastructure Partner

    Do you have capacity to invest in Agricultural infrastructure and earn income from contracts and profit sharing? You can join as an infrastructure partner.

    Hectare by Hectare……your guaranteed access to land, technical expertise, finance and market.

Interested? Click Here to Express your Interest