Leadership 4 Leadership e-Commerce Programme What Is The Programme All About?

Leadership 4 Leadership e-Commerce Programme is a programme developed for the promotion of Employment, Wealth Redistribution, Financial Inclusion, General Public Awareness and Value Re-orientation through e-Commerce.


  • The objectives of the programme are as follows:
  • To promote employment by partnering with different stakeholders to connect participants to earn income nationwide on the Leadership 4 Leadership e-Commerce Platform
  • To promote wealth redistribution and financial inclusion
  • To provide a platform for general public awareness and value re-orientation
  • To promote the culture of volunteering among Nigerian citizens

This programme is being promoted by Soleca Limited (an E-commerce Company) in collaboration with Lawquest foundation.


There are 2 schemes available under the programme viz:

  1. Leadership 4 leadership Direct Dealership Scheme: This is a scheme under which Awareness agents (mostly unemployed youths) earn income by direct promotions and sales of products and services of our business partners through the use of Leadership 4 Leadership Discount Vouchers.
  2. Leadership 4 leadership Premium Discount Scheme: This is a scheme under which off-take contracts are secured from business partners on behalf of Awareness agents.



Are you a business owner? Are you interested in increasing your sales? If yes you can register under the programme as a business partner


  • Registering as a business partner will provide you the bulk inflow of cash for business development and expansion through the use of our PREMIUM DISCOUNT SCHEME.
  • It provides you with a great opportunity to expand your sales and turnover turnover through the use of our LEADERSHIP 4 LEADERSHIP DISCOUNT VOUCHERS.
  • It provides you access to free processing of grants, federal government intervention funds or low interest loans from any of the development financial institutions in the country namely: CBN, Bank of Industry, DBN, NIRSAL Micro-Finance Bank.

    It provides your organization two advertising opportunities .

    1. Our Awareness agents shall become your brand Ambassadors and will, subject to approved terms carry out volunteering services on your behalf in any location/locations of your choice within the country.
    These volunteering services which will receive extensive media coverage, shall include but not limited to; Tree Planting (Economic Trees), Basic Health Education Clinics, Basic Legal Education Clinics, Road Maintenance, Agricultural extension Services, Community Policing, Environmental Sanitation and Protection.

    2. For every transaction, you will get free advertisement mileage in all articles published in the widely read Juriscope online publication within 30 days from date of each transaction.
    Juriscope legal Tips which currently enjoys an average monthly readership of approximately 22,000 persons, is a ‘You and the Law’ online publication designed to expose citizens to basic legal education and general awareness

Do you want to earn extra income from promotions and sales of goods and services of our business partners without running around? If YES, you can register under the programme as a Sub-Aggregator


  • You shall be entitled to 5% of profit accruable to all stakeholders for any premium discount contract secured by you.
  • You shall be entitled to earn 90% of advert fee payable to Lawquest Foundation for adverts secured by you for any media partner of Lawquest Foundation.
  • You shall be entitled to 90% of commission payable to Lawquest Foundation for securing the printing and publishing of any textbook or stationaries for any strategic partner of Lawquest Foundation.
  • You shall be entitled to order products at a maximum of 40% discount from the Leadership 4 Leadership E commerce Platform and resale to the public for profit and shall also be entitled to a maximum of 15% commission for the purchase made on the platform by person or persons referred by you.
  • You shall be entitled to free shipment of products of over N 25,000 ordered from the Leadership 4 leadership e-commerce platform; products of less than N 25,000 would require a shipping fee.
  • You shall be entitled to earn income for any acceptable juriscope rack location secured by You;
    N 2,000 for a standard rack and N 5,000 for a premium rack.
  • You shall be entitled to earn generous income from the sale of Leadership 4 Leadership discount vouchers on the Leadership 4 Leadership E-commerce Platform.
  • Subject to applicable terms and conditions, You shall be entitled to receive interest free loan from Lawquest foundation
  • You shall be entitled to bid for contracts on the Leadership 4 leadership E-commerce Bidding Platform
  • Subject to further agreements by members, you shall be entitled to earn quarterly dividend from income accruing to your cooperative for premium discount contracts guaranteed by your cooperative.



Are you an unemployed youth resident in Nigeria? Do you own a smart phone?  You can join now as an awareness agent and earn income by participating in E-commerce transactions available under the programme without running around.


  • You shall be entitled to N1,000 for every awareness agent introduced by you who pays their registration fee upfront and N2,000 if the registration was done on credit.
  • You shall be entitled to bid for contracts and earn income on the Leadership 4 Leadership E-commerce Bidding Platform
  • The maximum value of lots that can be allocated to an Awareness Agent for each bid shall be N200,000


Do you have a job or are you self-employed and in need of extra income?  You can join as a Value Partner and earn income from Premium Discount Contracts created under this programme.


  • Where you opts to guarantee a premium discount contract, you shall be entitled to 20% of profit from the transaction and shall also have the first right of refusal to bid for 30% of such contract. You shall also be entitled to 70% accrued penalty fee where any penalty accrues on a transaction guaranteed by you.

You shall be entitled to earn 90% of advert fee payable to Lawquest Foundation for any adverts secured by you for any strategic partner of Lawquest Foundation.

Interested? Click Here to Express Your Interest Now!